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Shortcuts are defined in YAML files, organized by namespaces. In each file, shortcuts are an associative array, with KEYWORD ARGUMENT_COUNT as its key. Keys must be unique.

For the value, there is a short and a long notation possible. Curated shortcuts in /data should follow the long notation.

Short notation

In the short notation, the URL is directly the value of the shortcut.

This shortcut will match for examplekeyword with no arguments:

examplekeyword 0:

This shortcut will match for examplekeyword foo, so for the same keyword but with one argument:

examplekeyword 1:<param1>

And with more arguments: examplekeyword foo, bar:

examplekeyword 2:<param1>&p=<param2>

Long notation

In the long notation, further info can be defined:

examplekeyword 2:
    title: Custom shortcut
    description: My custom shortcut with the keyword examplekeyword and two arguments.
        - example
        - custom

These attributes serve only for informational purposes, they have no effect on which shortcut is matched to a query:

  • The title: can be any string. It will be shown in the list of shortcuts on the homepage.
  • description: can be a longer string. It will be shown in the list of shortcuts when a shortcut is expanded.
  • tags: can be a list of labels. See tags for more.
  • examples: can be a list of example usages of the shortcuts:
  • tests: can be a list of test calls to check the validity of the shortcut.


examplekeyword 2:
    - arguments: foo, bar
      description: Search for "foo" and "bar"

An example must have a description and, if there are >0 arguments, also an arguments: string. For the query of the example call, the arguments will be preceded with the keyword.

Instead of arguments:, one can also set a full query:. This can be useful for giving an example with an extra namespace, e.g. query: fr.w berlin.


Tests are run regularly in the background, to check if shortcuts still work as they did when they were added.

examplekeyword 2:
    - arguments: foo, bar
      expect: <title>Results for foo, bar</title>

A test must have an expect: value that shall be part of the contents of the target webpage. If there are >0 arguments, add also an arguments: string.


The next attributes matter for matching a query: